Jeff Jarrett
7 - Usefulness
7 - Look
1 - Glitch
JrD2k316 - credit
Name: Jeff Jarrett
Short Name: Jarrett
Allias: The Chosen One
Picture: Hardcore
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 231 lbs
Music: Original 6
Titantron: T&A
Body: Medium 2 (2)
Head: Male 3
Face: 62
Hair: Short 1
Front Hair: 01 (3)
Facial Hair: 16
Masks: None
Hats: None
Ring Attire: Crash2 (12, 4)
Upper Body: None
Tattoo: None
Gloves: None
Wrist Band: Wrist Band 1 (2)
Elbow Pad L: None
Elbow Pad R: None
Knee Pad L: Both: Mr Ass 1 (12)
Knee Pad R: Both: Mr Ass 1 (12)
Boots: Boots 04 (12, 4)
Entrance Attire: Shades 1
Entrance Weapons: None
Front Weak Grapple
- Club to Neck
- Underhand Hook Punch
- Eye rake
- Elbow Strike
- Headlock Takedown
- Hip Throw
- Jawbreaker
- Falling Suplex
Front Strong Grapple
- Capture Suplex
- Backslide Pin
- Brainbuster
- Judo Front Slam
- Dragon Screw1
- Snap Powerbomb1
- Reverse Suplex
- Standing Clothsline
- Front Russian Sweep
Back Weak Grapple
- Back Rake
- Bulldog
- Penduium Back Breaker
- Sideslam
Back STRONG Grapple
- Rolling Crutch Pin
- Reverse DDT1
- German Suplex1
- Full Nelson Suplex Pin
- Full Nelson Face Drop
- Counter Elbow Strike
- Counter Groin Kick
Weak Striking
- Jab
- Slap2
- Low Kick3
- Front Kick1
Strong Striking
- Punch3
- Diving Clothsline
- Uppercut
Recovering Attack
- High Flipping Dropkick
Counter Attack
- Strong Attack (B)
- Front Special Grapple
- Elbow Crush Counter
- Standing Clothsline 01
- Special Back Grapple
Walking Moves
- Generic 01
Running Attack
- Shoulder Block
- Elbow Attack 01
- Clothesline L 01
- Clothesline L 02
Running Grapple
- Neck Breaker
- Face Crusher1
Running Ground Attack
- Elbow Drop1
- Elbow Drop1
- Stomp
- Stomp
- Roll
Upper Body Submission
- Head Pound
- Sitting Reverse Armbar
- Neck Wrench
- Camel Clutch
- None
- None
Lower Body Submission
- Side Leg lock
- Mexican Surfboard Stretch
- Figuare 4 Leg Lock
- Boston Crab
Ground Attack
- Jumping Punch
- Soccer Kick1
- Double Ax Handle
- Double Ax Handle
Turnbuckle Attack
- Dropkick to Knee2
- Cyclone Forearm
- Kitchen Sink1
- Clothesline L1
Corner Counter
- Boot to Face
Tree of woe Attack
- Flipping Dropkick
- Jab L2
- Clothesline L1
Front Turnbuckle Grapple
- Big Chop
- Shoulder Thrusts
- Cradle DDT
- Tornado DDT
- Frankensteiner
Back Turnbuckle Grapple
- Super Back Drop
- Super Back Drop
- Super Back Drop
- Super Back Drop
- Super Back Drop
Counter Grapple
- Rack Em Up
- Super Back Drop
Flying Attack
- Flying Body Press
- Flying Body Press
- Missle Dropkick
- Knee Drop
- Knee Drop
- Double Knee Drop
Turnbuckle Inside Attack
- Bounce Sling Splash
Turnbuckle Taunt
- Dudleyz
- Taunt 002
- Club to Chest
- Suplex to inside
- Suplex to inside
- Suplex Reversal to inside
Rope Inside Attack
- None
Flying Attack to outside
- Vaulting Body Press
- Baseball Slide
- Diving Elbow
Running Diving Taunt
- None
Rebound Flying Attack
- Back Elbow
Apron Attack
- Middle Kick
- Strong Kick
Grappling from apron
- Guillotine
- Sunset Flip over Ropes
- None
- Suplex Reverse
Flying Attack from apron
- Dropping Elbow
- Diving Elbow
Flying Attack to ring
- Shoulder Block
- Slingshot Leg Drop
- None
Apron Taunt
- Taunt1
Irish Whip Attack
- Back Elbow
Irish Whip Grapple
- Samoan Drop1
- Powerslam1
- Hurracanrana
- Body Press Slam
- Front Special Grapple
- Taunt6
- Taunt6
- Taunt6
Special Taunt
- Taunt6
Ducking Taunt
- Taunt19
Celebration Taunt
- Taunt6
Entry Way Taunt
- Taunt4
Double Team Grapple
- Double Suplex
- Double Atomic Drop
- Double Piledriver
- Double Arm Drag
Double Team Attack
- Doomsday Device
- Doomsday Device
- None
- Punching Reversal
- Wrestling
- Normal
- Heavy
- Normal
- Normal
- Yes
- Normal
- Normal
- Aggression
- Strong
- Climbing
- Short
- Random
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 3
- 3
- 4
- 2
- Chyna
- Random
- Random
- Debra